Thanks to Ad0rkableg33k for submitting this page! Have of your own? Share it here!
Guest Post: Zedding
Thanks to Reddit user IsMayonaiseAUsername for this page! Color and share your own here:
Guest Post: Laughing Death
Guest Post: Zombiland
Guest Post: Zombi
Thanks to chana for sharing this corruption! Share your own here:
Guest Post: Rot Princess
Guest Post: Scaled Death
Guest Post: Death Kitty
Guest Post: Death Kitty
Thanks to Kristen Hauskins for this finely colored page. Have one of your own? Share it here:
Guest Post: Zombie Bear
A very cool corruption from supermanslim09, awesome job. Have one of your own? Share it here:
Guest Post: Helpful Guide
Jasmine’s not afraid to get her hands a little dirty now and again. Reddit user ladymarie did a great job coloring this corruption.
Guest Post: Deadly Mermaid
Guest Post: Tiger Troubles
Can tigers turn zombie? Questions like these keep me up at night. Nicely done by Reddit user l_yo.
Guest Post: Sunny Day
Poor Ellis can’t shake the feeling he’s forgetting something. A great first post from Reddit user squeekycow
Guest Post: Pocahontas
Guest Post: Beastly Beauty
Guest Post: Beastly Beauty
Belle has really let her looks decay. Reddit user l_yo did a wonderfully grisly job on this one.