Thanks to Vince Kramer for this corruption! Have one of your own? Share it here!
Guest Post: Spear Play
Thanks to Ava Srabury for this fine page. Remember you can submit your own here:
Dino Pal
Living in Bedrock was a lot more dangerous than people realize. Watch the video here:
Guest Post: Grumpy Bear
Someone didn’t get their coffee this morning. Another fine corruption from Reddit user Lolzebracakes.
Never trust a cat leading you into the desert. Watch the video here:
Guest Creation: Bird Dog
Fairly accurate depiction of tourists in Rio de Janeiro who aren’t careful. Thanks to Reddit user yagoddamnidjit.
Guest Post: Working Hard
This fine corruption was brought to you by Reddit user ockensfrolly. Have one of your own? Share it here:
Guest Post: Pony Play
Guest Post: Dolls
At Christmas time, little Lisa purges the weakest of the toys. Thanks to King of Crayons for yet another excellent page.
Guest Post: Ice Cream
Guest Post: Big Bird
He’ll fall off the wagon no more. Thanks to Reddit user TraCity for this page.
Guest Post: Flipper’s Feast
Dolphin’s thrive on the blood of innocents. Another great corruption for Reddit user ladymarie.
Sink or Swim
Guest Post: Moto Mickey
And with one final rev, the quacking stopped once and for all. A great first page from Reddit user TraCity.