Aw, why the long face long neck? Thanks to -CA- for sharing.
Guest Post: Destroy Them
Guest Post: Fine
Guest Post: Pterror
Guest Post: Hail Satan
It wasn’t actually an asteroid that did it, but widespread Satanic worship. Thanks to Reddit user Tito609 for this page.
Guest Post: Asteroid
It’s okay, they had a good run. Thanks to reddit user RufusStJames for sharing.
Guest Post: High Times
I don’t know what this creature is, and right now neither does he. Thanks to Reddit user Fooberdoober97420 for sharing!
Guest Post: Dino Dame
Guest Post: Jurassic Horror
Phil C. did an excellent job with this page. Don’t forget to share your own!
Guest Post: The End
Guest Creation: Dino Eggs
Dino Pal
Living in Bedrock was a lot more dangerous than people realize. Watch the video here:
Guest Post: Dino Club
Thanks to Dave, who did a fine job with this corruption. Share your own here: