Mr_Fuzzyface shared this heart breaking, and really well done page.
Guest Post: It’s a Snap!
Guest Post: Devilish
Guest Post: Honey
Guest Post: Bear Hug
Guest Post: Bike Ride
Guest Post: Lives Matter
Guest Post: Alive
Teddy is merely the host. Thanks to Reddit user azogburzum.
Guest Post: Innocence
Puppy thought he got a new friend, Puppy was wrong. Thanks to perpetuality via Reddit for this.
Guest Post: Baby Bear
Guest Post: Lucky Day
Guest Post: Heart Eater
Guest Post: Games
Billy isn’t a very nice bear. Thanks to Bambii_Eyes for this page!
Guest Post: Death Bear
Guest Post: Pills
Guest Post: Bears
Guest Post: Bear Hug
Mickey finds a friend. Great job from Reddit user Kschub16. Remember you can submit your own here:
Guest Post: Pipe Bear
Guest Post: High Bear
Thanks to Michelle Davis for this page! Have one of your own? Share it here:
Guest Post: Friend Bear
This care bear would have made the show a lot different. Thanks to Reddit user art_is_dumb for submitting!