Thanks to OrlandoWashington69 for this one!
Guest Post: Wasted
Guest Post: Horsin Around
Guest Post: Booze
Guest Post: Quit
Guest Post: Reflections
Pooh and Piglet take a break to reflect. Reddit user ladymarie submitted this corruption!
Dark Duck
Few know the depth of Donald’s anger issues. Have your own corruption? Share it!
Guest Post: Goodbye Mickey
Thanks to Reddit user swerv-guitar-fingers for this page. Color your own and share it here!
Frat Alien
Man from Mars gets wasted, vomits on self. See the video here:
Guest Post: Frustration
Squidward deals with his problems via alcohol abuse. Thanks to Reddit user FreeDirt for this page.
Guest Post: Drinking Dragon
Spike has a problem with authority. Reddit user danbag213 shared this corruption.
Guest Post: Party Sponge
Guest Post: Party Sponge
Who’s full of regret after drug binge parties? SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS! Well done from Reddit user iMeow2015!