Thanks to someweeder for sharing!
Guest Post: Collection
DangerousDoodler sent in this page!
Guest Post: Directions
untimely_demise submitted this owlful page.
Guest Post: Gandalf the Baked
Thanks to bichselmnop2 for this one!
Guest Post: Alice Black
Thanks to shiki079310ik for this page!
Guest Post: Big Mama
Oh my, that’s quite the change! Great job by ToddWinkelmier!
Guest Post: Fairy Dreams
Thanks to Ugfromumant for this one!
Guest Post: Despicable
Submitted by: Hey_Ya_Dingus
Guest Post: Nutcracker
colleenmcm shared this page. Thanks!
Guest Post: Wishes
Thanks to butterdtoastrox for this page!
Guest Post: Restoration
Ackman1988 submitted this “restored historical photo.”
Guest Post: Crack Horse
Thanks to Brintyboo for sharing!
Guest Post: Pop!
Thanks to AmIonFire for this page!
Guest Post: It’s a Snap!
Thanks to Kehian for this page!
Guest Post: Whips and Chains
Thanks to UraniumLucy for this page!
The Cove
Poor Flipper never stood a chance. Remember you can submit your own monstrosities on our site or social pages!
Guest Post: Hunting Season
Great job from EvilNassu on this one!
Guest Post: C is For…
Thanks to GoldeneAnanas for this subtly hilarious page.
Guest Post: 50 Shades of Sponge
Thanks to Sparkyusmaximus for this one!
Guest Post: Chopped
I-Bleed-Bacon provided this page!