Dora and Boots relax after a long day. Thanks to Reddit user Lainycat for this page!
Guest Creation
Guest Post: The Hills
Thanks to Spook for this creepy corruption! Color and share your own here:
Guest Post: Friend Bear
This care bear would have made the show a lot different. Thanks to Reddit user art_is_dumb for submitting!
Guest Post: Fishing Weather
A beautiful day for it if you ask me. Another great corruption from Reddit user TraCity!
Guest Post: Pegasus
The majestic Pegasus is um, uh, good lord! Reddit user BourbonFox created this sleazy character.
Guest Post: Family
Guest Post: Rockers
This page colored by hawkeyemania! Have a corruption of your own? Submit it here!
Guest Post: Thanksgiving
Guest Post: Hoodlum
Belle rises high in the ranks of her local gang. Thanks to Reddit user l_yo for sharing!
Guest Post: The Street
A lot changed after the two went their seperate ways. Reddit user Animated341 did a great job with this!
Guest Post: High Times
I don’t know what this creature is, and right now neither does he. Thanks to Reddit user Fooberdoober97420 for sharing!
Guest Post: Tink
Reddit user indirobomoore submitted this page! Share your own corruptions here:
Guest Post: Princely
No one could figure out why he carved that hole in the back. Thanks to King of Crayons for this page!
Guest Post: Caterpillar
This is basically Alice in Wonderland right? Nicely done by Reddit user SassafrasBlues1992.
Guest Post: YOLO
Yes this is a real coloring page in a real coloring book. I don’t know why. Reddit user hawkeyemania shared this.
Guest Post: Freebird
Reddit user Faloopa colored this page. Have one of your own corruptions? Share it here!
Guest Post: Pickup
They call him the Prince of Smooth. Thanks to Reddit user Skim74 for this page!
Guest Post: Puppy Plays
Puppy makes the river run red with the blood of his enemies! This page corrupted by Reddit user sheepledtoslaughter.
Guest Post: Bud
Drunk children are the worst. Reddit user Faloopa submitted this page!
Guest Post: Racket
Minnie takes care of those annoying early morning birds outside her window. Thanks to Reddit user smootharella for this page.