Mickey uses a popular character to close in on unsuspecting victims. Another great job from Reddit user pavlovscats1223.
Author: CrayonsForBrains
Guest Post: Princess Pot
Thanks to John Sedlmayer for this page! Have one of your own? Share it here: http://coloringbookcorruptions.com
Guest Post: The Streets
No one likes passing by “Mangy” Bill on their way to work. Reddit user pavlovscats1223 created this corruption!
Guest Post: Keep Staring
Nothing like the smell of burning blue bird in the morning. Thanks to Reddit user zahsome for this page.
Guest Post: Family Ties
Guest Post: Time’s Up
Mickey completes his New Year’s Resolution this time. Thanks to Reddit user pavlovscats1223 for this one!
Guest Post: Sniff
Thanks to Facebook friend Julie Mattis for this page! Color and share your own here: http://coloringbookcorruptions.com
Guest Post: Stretchy
Inevitably, it drooped into his facial hair and was a mess. Thanks to King of Crayons for this page!
Guest Post: Charmed
Guest Post: Shag Punk
Thanks to Reddit user trishfishmarshall! Color and share you own creations here: http://coloringbookcorruptions.com
Guest Post: Aim
Guest Post: Bad Boy
Pluto had an accident for the third time this week. Thanks to Reddit user Please_Play_Nice!
Guest Post: Minnie’s Habit
After Mickey left the downward spiral began. Thanks to Reddit user Please_Play_Nice for this one!
Guest Post: Glow
Guest Post: Spike Snaps
Thanks to Reddit user Lady_BeepBop for this page. Color and share your own here: http://coloringbookcorruptions.com
Guest Post: Party Mice
Guest Post: Pony Play
Guest Post: T-Buster
Millions of his ghostly kind plague the Earth. Great job from Reddit user paleeoguy4!
Guest Post: Ocean Toys
Guest Post: Hatched
Another corruption from Facebook friend Maya Corredor! Color and share your own here: http://coloringbookcorruptions.com