Big Bird was on the best trip of his life. Thanks to Bungeebrain for sharing.
Guest Post: Happy Berries
Guest Post: Scissors
A valuable lesson was learned that day concerning running. Reddit user jrredwing shared this with us!
Guest Post: Trippy Mickey
Mickey licks his first toad. Thanks to Reddit user gingasaurusrexx for this post.
Guest Post: Trippin Boots
Afterward, Boots was quoted saying “It could have been better I guess.” First time submitter and Reddit user my_name_is_lily shared this page.
Guest Post: Pooh’s Trip
Unlike Piglet, Pooh’s first trip was actually pretty amazing. Thanks once more to Reddit user ladymarie for this fine page.
Guest Post: Bad Trip
Poor Piglet has a bad experience the very first time. Another beauty from Reddit user ladymarie