Murdering small, helpless, beautiful flowers is a great way to blow off some steam. Nicely done by Laura Jane.
Guest Post: Honey Pot
Pooh never really learned how to approach women. An excellent corruption from Reddit user jenniferinalaska.
Guest Post: Safety First
Weapons probably shouldn’t be given to anyone named “Goofy.” Great post by King of Crayons!
Guest Post: Snake Hug
Guest Post: Biggest Fan
Tinkerbell meets her biggest fan, instantly regrets it. Another excellent work from Reddit user ladymarie.
Guest Post: Playful Pup
Guest Post: Sunny Day
Poor Ellis can’t shake the feeling he’s forgetting something. A great first post from Reddit user squeekycow
Guest Post: Baby Birds
Guest Post: Zoo Fun
Guest Post: Dino Circle
Hot Date
Guest Post: Lend a Hand
Guest Post: Pocahontas
Guest Post: Scary Fun
Guest Post: Daydreaming
Guest Post: Frosty’s Friends
Guest Post: Sweet Deal
Guest Post: Beach Day
Guest Post: Inner Beauty
Some day he’ll be able to afford his dream surgery. Reddit user ladymarie provides us yet another superb page.
Guest Post: Alley Cat
No, we can’t keep him. Thanks for grossing me out King of Crayons.